Private Residence
Project Location: Oxfordshire
Project Background Brief
dpa were appointed to design the lighting for this beautiful home and its surrounding landscape within the Oxfordshire countryside. With architecture by Waind Gohil & Potter and landscaping by Angus Thompson Design, the defined modern scheme led dpa to an appropriately considered and carefully coordinated series of lighting proposals.

Special Project Features
Lighting was integrated within joinery details, positioned discreetly and selected with minimal visual intrusion as a priority. This approach allowed the interior and architectural rhythm to be exposed in the evenings. It was also important to ensure a softness was brought to the home through decorative lighting at low level and gentle highlights to artworks making this a comfortable environment for the family.
Particular Challenges
Lighting to the exterior of the property and landscape includes decorative wall lanterns, with spike mounted luminaires along routes, highlighting key planting elements. The nature of the lighting to the outside area was purposefully low key and respectful of the rural position, whilst gently leading out to amazing lakeside views.
All images courtesy of Matt Livey

Project Team
- Lighting Designer: dpa lighting consultants, Dpalighting.com/
- Architect: Waind Gohil & Potter, Wgpa.co.uk/
- Landscape and Garden Design: Angus Thompson Design, Angusthompsondesign.com/
- Electrical Contractor: N&M Electrical Ltd, Nandmelectrical.com/
- Main Contractor: S W Carpentry & Joinery,
Get in touch
For more information, please call us on
+44 (0)1634 226 666