Vivo Casa
Bamber Bridge

Project Summary
Marking the latest stage of its long and successful partnership with boutique interior design firm, Vivo Casa, Rako Controls has completely upgraded the extensive lighting control system at the company’s Bamber Bridge showroom.
Vivo Casa serves clients in residential and commercial projects across the North-West of England, with premium quality lighting a significant component in virtually every single scheme. For over ten years, Vivo Casa has partnered with Rako Controls to bring exceptional lighting to life for the company’s clients. Since that journey begins at the Vivo Casa showroom, Nasima Adam, the owner of Vivo Casa, was keen to involve Rako in the renovation that has recently transformed her showroom and taken a prospective client’s experience of lighting to a new level.
Upon entry to the Vivo Casa showroom, visitors are wowed by a spectacular, lighting first display with a selection of impressive statement fixtures, combining with task and decorative displays, to bring different rooms within the space to life. The beautifully bold lighting design scheme is enhanced by pre-set scenes to suit different moods and times of day which Nasima can adjust easily using the Rako app or an elegant Rako keypad. A variety of keypads are fitted in the showroom to provide a choice of tactile interfaces and attractive finishes which clients can see and touch before selecting for their own home.

Owners comment
“Having the showroom gives the client great confidence,” says Nasima. “They can come here and see the quality of scheme and finishing that I can produce, and the lighting is a huge part of that overall experience. We have a variety of pre-set Rako scenes for different room layouts, and the effect is beautiful, truly stunning, that helps to lift the furniture, fabrics, and everything else that’s here, just as they can imagine it would in their own home.”
“In the Vivo Casa showroom, we can show you the different keypad options available from Rako,” adds Peter Broome, Director at Rako. “These extend from Rako’s Classic to our EOS keypad with the metal buttons, right up to our latest Modular range too. The choice, the quality of finish and the performance is entirely in keeping with the whole showroom concept that Nasima has created.”
“I have been working with Rako for many, many years and I'm very comfortable with them,” sums up Nasima. “They support the design schemes that I create with lighting control solutions that can change the atmosphere and transform the space at the touch of a button to meet my expectations and those of the client. They can also handle all the technical issues associated with lighting control on a project to just allow me to focus 100% on the design.”

Project Team
- Interior & Lighting Designer : Vivo Casa, Vivocasa.com/
Get in touch
For more information, please call us on
+44 (0)1634 226 666