Common pitfalls
Keep it simple. Despite the technology behind a control system, the user controls should be simple and easy to use. Rako knows that all users are different and that systems can be programmed to alarming degrees of complexity. Some users might revel in this but experience shows that the best results are achieved by clear, easy programming. Rako’s suggestion would be that keypads should give similar control throughout the house e.g. a series of scenes in descending order of brightness. Scenes should control the room that the keypad is located in. Controlling remote rooms is possible but should be considered carefully as it often has unforeseen implications.
Rako engineers, both field and office based have years of experience with programming control systems, it's always worth consulting before planning how buttons are configured. That said, Rako control panels can be set with advanced functions such as ‘Master Off’.
As Rako has plenty of experience with common programming scenarios there are often practical ways of overcoming these and button layouts are available as standard to suit.
Another common downfall is for customers to buy dimmers and fittings before consulting with Rako or a Rako dealer. Ensuring compatibility between fittings and dimmers can be a complex process, as can be selecting lamps and drivers with the best dimming performance. At Rako we are happy to spend time helping customers make these decisions. It is far better to talk to us beforehand and get things right rather than afterwards when there is a problem that needs sorting out.