Classic plate
An NFC programmable 10-Button wireless modular controller with 7 scenes, off and master raise & lower control for lighting.

The RNC100 wireless push button control module is programmable via NFC (Near Field Communication) using Rasoft Pro software and Rako's RAMPI interface or the Hub. The RNC100 has the capability for each button to be customised allowing triggers for single or multiple commands. Each input is fully customisable, can be addressed to separate Rako Rooms or Channels and activate on press, or release which gives a 'Press and Hold' function.
Wireless keypads are lithium battery powered with battery life calculated as being 3 years, based on pressing a button 30 times a day.
Externally powered versions of the panels are available. Based on the 50 x 50mm Euro module, RNC units are modules only and always require a front plate kit. Panels can either be surface mounted using the pattress, which gives a depth of 14mm, or flush mounted into a standard single gang UK back-box. Rako's single gang RVF (screw-fixing) front plate kits have surface mount options. Double gang and RLF (screwless) options are for flush mounting only.
Required products
This product may require some of the following additional items. Please contact the Rako support team for advice and guidance.